Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Let’s Know About Eye silent killer of Glaucoma

About 80 million people in the world live in blindness. Of these, about 8 million people are blind due to glaucoma.
There is a large part of it in South Asia. In Bangladesh, 2.4 percent of the total population is suffering from glaucoma. In addition, 11 percent of the population is at risk of this disease.

Like other countries in the world, glaucoma is the second most important cause of blindness in our country. Just because of ignorance, large numbers of people have become blind. However, it is possible to prevent unexpected blindness if it is diagnosed in the early stage.
According to experts, the glucoma eye is a complex disease. In most cases the eyes are responsible for the internal high pressure. Acne hyper tension is called high pressure in the eye.
In this case, normal eye pressure is 11-21 mm. If more than Markari, the ocular-hyper tension is called. Although the optical nerve or visual field may not change.
However, whenever the optical nerve or visual field is damaged and the eyes have high pressure, it is called glucoma. For this, the nerves of the eye are gradually damaged and gradually decreasing the eyesight. At one stage, the patient was forced to suffer blindness.
The Chief Professor of the Glucoma Department of National Institute of Eye Science, Dr. Iftekhar Md. Munir said there are three types of treatment available in this disease.
Through medicines, modern laser treatment and surgery. He said, it is possible to control glaucoma disease but healing is not possible. The treatment of diabetes or high blood pressure is to continue the life cycle. The most important aspect is regular medicines and eye examinations.
Glaucoma week is celebrated globally every year from 10 to 16 March to create awareness about the severity of glaucoma.

Eye silent killer glaucoma
Curse of blindness. There is no remedy for glaucoma-related blindness, the only way to prevent it. In the absence of awareness of glaucoma disease, a large population suffers from unreliable blindness which can be prevented if it can be diagnosed at the initial stage.
What is glaucoma?
Glaucoma is a complicated disease in the eye that the eye nerve gradually gets damaged and gradually decreases the eyesight. Even if the patient is forced to suffer blindness at one time. However, treatment with patience can be avoided by blindness. In most cases the eyes are responsible for the internal high pressure.

Why is this disease?
Although there is no specific reason to be found, it is considered to be the main cause of today's eyes high pressure. But this may be due to normal pressure.
Usually, the high level of eye loss gradually damages the eye nerve and disrupts the gaze. Due to some diseases, this disease can be seen in a deep relationship and may be due to other diseases such as:
* Other close relatives of the family (mother, father, grandfather, grandmother, grandma, grandma, uncle, mama, aunt, puffy)
* Upper age (forty or higher)
Diabetes and hypertension
* Migraine
* Using nightly high pressure medicines
* Steroids medicines used for long
* If the cataract is not operated or delayed
* Due to other diseases of eyes
* Birth eye flaw etc.
Among these, it is possible to control the eyes only with high pressure.
Medical Treatment:
Glucoma is possible to control the disease but healing is not possible. The treatment of diabetes or high blood pressure should be done throughout life. It is not possible to bring back the vision that is reduced. However, it is necessary to continue treatment for the vision that will not be reduced.
Common types of treatment-
* By medication
* Laser
* Shale treatment or surgery
The main cause of the disease in eyes high pressure is because the eye pressure is controlled by medicines. If you are not controlled by a drug, you have to use multiple medicines. After three months of interrogation, the patient will be tested regularly to see if the disease is in control. For example,
* Eye Sight test
* Eye pressure test
* Scope or visual field test
* Eye nerve test
The most important aspect is to use regular medicines and regularly visit the doctor and follow regular eye exams and follow his advice.
Most patients have no pain in their eye, nor do they appear to be any signs or symptoms, so patients and even relatives of the patient do not continue treatment in the long term as many patients suffer from early blindness.
In addition to medicines there are other treatments which can be taken by the doctor on the basis of decision or timely decision. For example, laser treatment and surgical treatment by which it is possible to control the eye pressure.

Monday, March 4, 2019

Your Health Your Wealth; Health is the root of all happiness

Many of us may have heard this story more than once - if people live, they change, and if they die then they are rotten. We have grown slowly since birth, and this is also a process of change. From childhood to adolescence, from adolescence to adulthood, from adult to old - thus we all change one day to change from birth to death.

In this way, all the creatures of the world including humans have inevitable two ends - birth at the first and death at the last end. I'm not a death researcher, so I do not want to talk about death more than two or more here. There is a fundamental idea about death in our society that death is the only end result of disease-causing and disadvantage. 
Death can be the end result of disease-causing and crippling disease; Many old people may also be healthy in old age. I want to mean a healthy death in old age, because of suffering from coronary disease, do not get hurt by getting hurt. And so, in the long run, we have to work carefully with our health for a healthy death. Before that there is a need to know about the nature of health.

Our health has two dimensions - mental and physical. Mental and physical health are reliant on each other. So we usually say, healthy body has healthy mind and healthy mind can ensure a healthy body. We are not mortal, but we can also get poor and ill-free good health through old age through mental and physical health care.
 Take care of your health Regardless of your age, today you can improve the quality of your body and mind through physical and emotional care. In addition, many people may be able to take care of your body and mind by following you.

When do you know you have good health? There are many standards of good health, but you can think of yourself as a good health at least if you-
1. Sleep well every night;
2. There is no reluctance to eat;
3. There is no pain in the body;
4. Do not suffer stress and depression and
5. Get excited about the work.
To maintain your health, you must regularly develop some health-care habits and at the same time have to abandon some habits. Humans are only the slaves of habits. It is difficult to formulate a new habit, and it is also very difficult to Exit old habit.
Suppose you have never imagined differently about health care and your current age is 40 or 50 years. Now you start feeling the burden of age a little bit and you are also facing some physical and mental problems. Doctors and your well wishers have started reminding you about body care. You also think you should do something about yourself. Is it too late to start taking health care? I would say - not at all. However, it may be a little harder to start, but you get started. You will soon see that it is all right, you will be the pioneer of body care. The health care is a big thing, and there are many things involved - food, diet, exercise and lifestyle.

How to start taking care of the body?
 At first, you can go to a doctor to know your condition and make a prescription for health care by discussing with a doctor or with an exercise coach. Take care of the body according to the prescription and stay healthy. Or you can plan some health care plans, such as:
1. First, drink plenty water in an empty stomach;
2. After some time, do some exercise in the empty hands 15 to 20 minutes;
3. Then start the day's work by taking a bath and breakfast;
4. Remember, do not sit in the long time at work, walk for 10 to 15 minutes after every 30 to 40 minutes;
5. Finish lunch before 2pm, and dinner is not done after 9pm;
6. Keep in mind that in the case of food, the more processed foods will be worse for the body.So eat fresh foods and stay healthy;

7. Eat at least 2 to 3 domestic fruits a day;
8. Drink water every 30 minutes 2 to 3 liters of water is consumed throughout the day;
9. Walk 30 to 40 minutes back to the office;
10. Go to sleep before 11pm in the night and get up 7am. And remember, learning in the school of childhood is the proverb - 'Early to bed and early to make a man healthy, rich and wise';
11. Help at least one needy and distressed person every week -its help you get peace of mind.
12. Give yourself some time to beautify the nature around you at least twice a month, in which you will be beside nature and mentally tough.

Health is the root of all happiness - thinking that we start taking care of health every day. A person with good health is the source of happiness for the family and the resources of the society and the country. Our efforts will be to get rid of family, society and country from disease.

Saturday, March 2, 2019

know about Heart failure and stay safe with Heart failure


A heart attack is a disease whose complications have caused an immediate death in every four people and many others died after hospitalization.

Almost half of the patients who died in the disease within a year. As a result, this disease is considered as the main cause of human death in the world. A heart attack causes a certain part of the heart to become ineffective. As a result, the heart becomes weak in partially losing its functioning.

In the fast stage, the heart increases its speed and tries to provide the required blood, but this type of behavior increases the loss of the heart muscle day by day and the heart is in severe condition; There is no other way to get rid of it. The symptoms of heart fever gradually appear in the patient's body.

For example, it is easy to feel chest pain and shortness of breath, to be able to breathe easily, to be able to swallow, to breathe in the stomach, go to the stomach, to always feel full of stomach, to be hungry, to chew in the chest, to feel pressure chest Dissociation of work, irritability in work, excessive physical weakness, walking in the hands and swelling, dizziness, vomiting Feeling depressed, feeling uncomfortable, feeling sleepy.

Many people see that, after a few days of treatment, they stopped treating the idea that they were healed. As a result, gradually the patient's heart gets damaged and after the loss level is reached, physical problems arise again; The patient's heart is so damaged that he has no such chance to heal through treatment.
Those who have suffered a heart attack all the time, to stay healthy, treatment is most important in the treatment of doctors.

Heart failure:
* Heart failure is failing to pump blood.
* Heart failure usually occurs as the main symptom of heart failure, which can not be weak or functioning properly; Breathing, feeling very tired and swollen ankle; These symptoms may also occur in other diseases.
* Acute Heart Failure will need to be treated quickly in the hospital. Symptoms can gradually become a chronic heart failure.
Heart failure is mainly of 3 (3) types. For example,
* HFREF-heart failure due to reduced ejection fraction) caused by weak blood pressure in the left ventilation heart failure.
* Diabetic heart failure (HEPEF-heart failure with protected emission) Usually the left ventricle is difficult to get into the blood, making the heart harder.
* Congestive heart failure (CCF-Congestive Cardiac Failure) - Chronic Heart Failure

Causes of Heart Failure
There is no specific cause of heart failure.
High Blood Pressure - Due to excess blood pressure, heart failure may cause.
* Coronary Heart Disease - Fatty acids by the substance of the atheroscarsosis.
* Heart failure (Cardiomyopathy) is a chronic heart failure. The causes are often vague but usually due to viral, genetic, alcohol, drug or cancer.
* Cardiovascular complications (atrial fibrillation)
* Heart bulb disease, damage or problems.
Sometimes there may be heart failure in anemia, hyperthyroidism, or lung hypertension (pulmonary hypertension).

Heart failure treatment
Most cases of heart failure may not be cured. The control is its treatment. So changing life patterns, improving medication devices or heart function, providing a comprehensive treatment system, including the patient, a healthy life.
* When there are specific causes of heart failure, it can be cured. For example, if the heart bulb is damaged, the treatment of heart failure in the treatment of bulbs is usually good for life-long. Bad symptoms should be controlled. Your doctor will look into the long-term and find a balance in effective treatment.
If you take effective treatment of Heart Fellow, then the following benefits are available to patients.
* Helps strengthen the heartbeat
* Reduce symptoms
* Reduces the risk of chronic (chronic)
* Following the medical conditions, the patient's life improves and he can live a full life
Resistance to heart failure
It can be possible to prevent heart failure, change lifestyle changes, take a little bit of consciousness, or take medication.
For example, in pursuing a lifestyle, the things you have to follow.
* Stop smoking (if you smoke)
* Keep your blood pressure at a healthy level
* Keep cholesterol levels under your control
* Maintain a healthy weight
* Avoid excess salt
* Regular exercise
* Moderately taken alcohol

Living with heart failure
Heart failure may come as a shock. Lung Problems, Kidney Disease, Anemia and Diabetes It increases your medical risk.
You must take responsibility for self-care and wellbeing of those involved in your care.
If you have any questions or concerns about the medicines you are taking or any possible side effects, contact your doctor.
Regular contact with your doctor and discuss symptoms and concerns. You know about Heart failure and stay safe with Heart failure.

Saturday, February 23, 2019

Causes of high blood pressure and treatment

High blood pressure is considered as a major permanent disease. Both are important to treatment and prevention. Otherwise, there are various risks of complications, even sudden death.

What is high blood pressure
Normal blood pressure is the force with which the blood moves from one place to another. There is no specific level of blood pressure. With different ages, blood pressure levels vary from person to person, and blood pressure may vary from person to person at different times. Tension, anxiety, excessive labor and exercise can cause blood pressure. Sleeping and resting blood pressure decreases. Changes in blood pressure are in the normal rule. Most of the time blood pressure is in the normal level. If someone's blood pressure is higher than normal levels and most of the time is even shorter, then it should be assumed that he is a high blood pressure patient.

High blood pressure is really a complex disorder:
High blood pressure can bring terrible  consequences. Sometimes there is no primary symptoms of hypertension. Suddenly high blood pressure can damage various parts of the body. Uncontrolled high blood pressure can cause serious physical complications. That's why high blood pressure can be called 'silent killer'.

What is high blood pressure can Risk to complications?
If the blood pressure is not controlled, there may be serious in four vital organs of the body. Such as heart, kidney, brain and eyes. Uncontrolled hypertension can cause heart muscle weakness. Week heart can not pump blood, and this condition is called Heart Failure.High blood pressure can cause kidney damage, a stroke in the brain, which may lead to the patient's death. Apart from eye bleeding in the retina can lead to patients blindness.

What are the causes of high blood pressure?
For 90 percent of patients, there is no known cause of hypertension, it is called primary or blood pressure. Some things increase the risk of hypertension, which are as follows:
Genealogical: There is a hereditary continuity of hypertension, if the parents have high blood pressure, the child may also have a higher level of pressure.
Smoking: In reaction to tobacco poisonous substances in smokers, high blood pressure, heartburn and heart attack can occur.

Extra salt is taken: eating salt increases Sodium, which increases the amount of blood pleasure. As a result, blood levels  increases and blood pressure increases.
High weight and lazy lifestyle: If you do not have sufficient exercise and physical exertion, then weight may increase on your body.
The heart has to work extra, and this leads to high blood pressure for people with more weight.
Unhealthy eating habits: Excess  fatty foods, such as meat, butter and fried foods will increase weight level. Cholesterol increases while you eat eggs Yellow part and liver, gorda, and brain. If Blood cholesterol extra remaining then blood becomes thick and hard. As a result, blood pressure may increase.
Drink more alcohol: Those who drink heavily regularly, they have higher levels of hypertension.
Diabetes: Diabetes patients with high blood pressure arise with age.
Extra anxiety: Blood pressure may be temporarily increased due to excessive anger, tension, intimidation and stress. Some diseases may cause high blood pressure. It is called Secondary Hypertension when it finds specific causes. Some of these causes are: kidney disease, adrenal gland and tumors of pituitary gland, hereditary disease of arteries, aclimpiasia and pre-alexmapsia during pregnancy, for many days the use of birth control pills, taking steroidal hormones and painkillers may play some medicines.

What to do reduce the risk of high blood pressure?
It is possible to reduce the risk of high blood pressure by changing the nature of life.
To reduce excess weight: Eating and dosing should be exercised and regular exercise. Once reaching weight according to the goal should be restricted and exercise should be continued. Losing weight by taking medicines is dangerous. Without a doctor's advice, it is better to not take weight loss medicines.
Alert in food : Low fat and low cholesterol foods should be eaten. For example, Khasi or beef, lizards, brains, gilas, gurdas, eggs will be eaten less. It is better to have high fiber foods.
Salt Control: To avoid excess salt beyond the required salt in the form.
Drinking: Avoid drinking alcohol.
Regular exercise: morning-evening walking, run as fast as possible, light exercises, stairs using lifts, etc.
Avoiding smoking: Smoking must be excluded. Stay away from smoker intercourse. Tobacco leaves, jars, filling gills etc. should also be avoided.

Diabetes control: Those who have diabetes must be controlled regular basis.
Emotional and physical stress: Regular rest, sleeping on time, rest from excess fatness in the body.
Regular test of blood pressure: Regular doctor should check the blood pressure. As soon as hypertension is detected, it can be controlled and protected from complex diseases or reactions.

If you have high blood pressure is the treatment Regularly?
High blood pressure is not end totally, it can be controlled. Regularly take medicines for this. In no time can the medicine be stopped without the doctor's advice. Many people expressed their reluctance to take medicines despite being attacked with high blood pressure.
Some people also think that High blood pressure is not causing any problems in its daily life or there is no symptom of the disease, so do not want to drink high blood pressure medication. This idea is also completely wrong. Such patients suddenly become infected with heart disease or stroke, and even death. They must consult the doctor, regularly take medicines and have regular checkups.

Monday, February 18, 2019

It is possible to stay healthy if you try


Many people think that people have no hands on the disease. If you live in the world, you will be suffering from disease and an integral part of disease. It is a fate and natural law. Such thinking is not entirely correct.
But if you become aware of a healthier lifestyle, changing lifestyle then we can be protected from many diseases in everyday life. Many of them regularly eat food and drink in the polluted water and unhygienic environment. In this way, eating contaminated water and rotten food can cause serious diseases like cholera, diarrhea, typhoid or hepatitis.
If we were attacked by these terrible diseases, we would run away to the doctor. The doctor prescribed the necessary prescriptions for the treatment of diseases and the needy one-drug. Many do not have the ability to buy drugs, because of lack of disease prevention, they have to be dying. Those who have the ability to buy medicines, they have to stay in a lot of risk due to the disease, they are in trouble.

The importance of awareness:
Diseases that are caused by unconsciousness are not any common diseases like fever, flux, cough. Due to these deadly diseases, death can lead to death due to death. We think, if there is a remedy for the disease, then what is the importance of resistance? But the reality is that many of the drugs we take to cure the disease are not functioning properly anymore. Most antibiotics have lost functioning against germs. It has also been found that due to the lack of proper medicine at the right time, the recovery of the disease does not make it possible to achieve good health. We must understand deeply about these overwhelming problems, there is no alternative to disease prevention.

Thinking Of Disease:
The meaning of disease prevention is broad and it is related to education, knowledge, awareness and understanding. That is why we think of the remedy for the disease as easily as possible, we do not understand the resistance as seriously. If we get sick, we face two types of Loss. Firstly, the disease means physical and emotional harm, and secondly, the immunity of disease is waste time. Strengthens the body's immunity and strengthening the defense and its proper control does not require much money and labor. Without exception, every person is born with less or more physical resistance. After birth, prevention of immune system against immunogenic and non-communicable diseases is further strengthened.
If in some way our resistance to the body and the breakdown of the defense system is broken or if the resistance becomes weak, we become ill. In this case, there is no alternative except to go to the doctor for the treatment of disease. Disease is not a good thing, medicines are not as safe as any other thing. We often take medicines very lightly. Every drug has more side effects - we should all remember this very seriously.

The side effects of medicines only eight million people die every year in the United States. Therefore, accepting or taking medicines in consideration of the side effects or other harmful aspects of the medication are considered.
The happy thing is - if we try, we can survive well from these complex diseases. For the prevention of the disease, appropriate education, elimination of prejudice, practical scientific outlook, cleanliness and proper action at the right time. We are healthy because of its natural or acquired prevention or defense through the fight against these germs, viruses and other harmful attackers. Be there If the drug wins against attacking enemy by its effectiveness, we recover again, on the other hand if the drug fails to play its role, then we have to die.

Harmful eating habits:
 In the case of illness, food plays an important role. Every year in the United States only five million people die of cancer due to harmful eating habits. One of the main reasons for the illness are: lack of health awareness, neglect, refugee problems, inadequate health care, drinking contaminated water, lack of commitment to society or government's commitment to health care. Balanced nutritious foods, sleep, adequate exercise and drinks enhance the body's immunity and protect. The body is able to develop the necessary preventive measures against diseases such as carbohydrates, meat, fat and oil, vitamins, minerals and fiber-rich foods.

Type of disease:
Diseases can usually be divided into two categories. An invasive and the other infectious. Due to two types of disease, human civilization faces a major disaster. Due to infectious diseases, natural disasters can occur or it may also appear as a cause of natural disaster. Non-communicable disease is a disease that is caused by environmental consequences without microbial infection. The most horrific and deadly health problems in the present world include obesity, ezing, dementia, Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's, cancer, infectious diseases and antibiotics, mental imbalances, heart disease, stroke and many other complex diseases like diabetes. Now the scope of nature and nature of the disease is decreasing the chance of judging from a traditional perspective.

Healthy environment:
People can play a key role in creating a healthy, healthier environment. Humans are the main reason behind the destruction of this environment. In the era of globalization, behavior and lifestyle and unhealthy eating habits are pushing us towards a dangerous health risk. Millions of people attract of diabetes, cancer, high blood pressure, stroke, cardiovascular disease, and death problem, eating huge amount of sugar-rich soft drinks, fat, junk food and salt-rich foods.
which are now being termed as an epidemic in medical science. anxiety, lazy lifestyle,

As already mentioned, due to unhealthy and inaccurate eating habits, only five lakh people die of cancer every year in the United States. To make people aware about health care, disease, disease, prevention and remedies in healthy living, all the common knowledge gained are very useful. Knowledge and awareness about body and disease makes people confident and gives strength to deal with the disease fairly and efficiently.
Allah gave the people the order of life to be systematic, healthier. If he obeys his orders, life is peaceful and secure. And should we not try for a healthy, beautiful and peaceful life? We must be successful if we seek good, healthy and peaceful life. Be sure to stay healthy and be healthy.

Thursday, February 14, 2019

What to do when nose polyps?

We all heard less or more of the nose polyps. We do not call it polypeople in the language of patients who usually understand polyps. There are some cells (sinus) around the nostrils. The upper bone that is just below the eye is inside the maxillary sinus, nose and small space in the middle of the eyes there are several eithmoid sinuses. Frontal Sinus is on the forehead. The sphenoid sinus is on the back of the eye. The casing of the sinuses often forms the injured that looks of a grapes. That is we call polyps in the medical science.

 We often see in the nose fungus infection. Polipes are usually made from Ethmoid sinuses. The fungal of the nose can be infected by both infection on both sides of the nose and in this case multiple sinus polyps. These polyps are in the initial phase of the sinus. Once it grows, it moves inside the nose from sinusitis and then we see polipes in the nose in the naked eye. It is called hypertroped inferior turinate in medical language. Inside the nose, on the side wall there are two racks of flesh on both sides. We call it infirmary turinets. If inflammation of the inferior turbinate increases its shape. Called hypertroped inferior turinet. It does not come from Sinus. Its origin from the nostrils. In medical language it is not polype.

* Initially, patients usually suffer from nausea, and nausea. The flux of the nostrils may come forward. Many times it does not come backwards and moves towards the back and there is tremendous try to clean the mouth and throat. The nose closes on one side in the initial stage and after a while it changes direction to the nose. Sometimes a nose is closed and some nose is closed for some time. As the disease progresses, it can be seen that two noses are gradually stopped, partially and later completely.
* There may be sneeze and there is a lot of sneezing when it comes to dust or smoke. Cigarette or cooking smoke is not tolerated. The feeling of breath came out.
* The smell of the nose decreases and many times the nose stains are found.

*Headaches are usually in the primary stage. In most cases, the headache Grow when the polyps are growing up. Because of this, the problem of headache is not always in the condition that we see the polyps. The front and nose of the head and forehead, and its surroundings may have a close vibration. At the time of taking the history of the patient, it must be seen that, when the disease started a few months or a few years ago, there was problem of headaches.
*Some patients have a sneaky throat. Many people may have cough again. Regular breathing through regular inflammation or mouth in the neck can sometimes cause the voice of the throat or the throat or fracture may occur.
* Occasionally there is a problem of mediated due to the ulcerative tubes being attacked in the back of the nose. The ears may be closed due to the closed ear. There may be a problem of headaches in any case. There may be problems in starting mid-sideways due to slight head rotation. In addition, there may be risk in the side of the ears. If there is a lot of water in the ear, then the ear screen may start from the loss of a cranial or long-term ear disease.

Research is still on the reason for the polyps of the nose. Generally speaking, nose is one of the main causes of allergy. The allergic nose may be due to dust or smoke allergies. Many people think that chronic infections in the nostrils may also be the cause of allergic reactions. Fungal infections in the nose are made from allergy to some patients both noses and many sinus polyps. Note that the nose allergy is what we call allergic rhinitis, which is allergic to which we are allergic pharyngitis and lung allergy, which we call asthma or asthma.

Its associated with one another. Those who have allergic reactions, 17 to 19 percent of patients with asthma also have asthma. 55% to 70% of patients with asthma have allergic reactions. Specifically, the effects of one's nose allergy and lungs fall on one another. Without proper treatment of the nose allergy, asthma may increase it difficult to treat asthma. If the lungs are not properly treated with allergies or asthma then its adverse reaction on the nose.

Preliminary treatment for such patients is to avoid dust, smoke and cold. If you are diagnosed with steroids in the initial stage, then it can go away if you use steroid spray. If the polyps stop nose completely then do not want to work on medicines. In such cases there is no alternative way except to cut the polyps through the operation. Nasal polyps may have some type of operation.
We can bring out the polyp. It is possible to the inner part remove of the nostrils. We can do polyps better by knowingly. Also, it is not possible to completely eliminate polyps from the membrane inside the sinusas. In the modern era, the last and most recent treatment of polyps is the endoscope of the polyps that are completely removed from the roots from which the polyps originate from sinusa. 

Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Colon and colon cancer causes and prevention

Rectum or colon, or colon cancer, the origin of the cancer is dependent on the condition of the bowel or any position in the body. Colon cancer usually begins with the transmutation of mutilation. When the vaginal velocity comes, the patient goes to the toilet immediately, and the mucous membrane comes out of the anus. As early as the symptoms are not as serious, the patient often thinks that he or she has been infected or bleeding from his piles. Piles or stomach in our country is a common cause of bad or dizziness. 

It is normal for our patients to take a change in the behavior of adulterated, spoiled food or chewing habits at the restaurant, or simply by changing the habit of eating habits. Because of this, the patient may be too late to understand the symptoms of cancer, which may also cause symptoms of bleeding, change in habits, constipation or diarrhea symptoms, although in the meantime, the cancer spreads to the lungs and liver around the discharge of the colon and macrophages. At this time there is stomach pain, constipation and stomach swelling after stool stuck. For the release of diseases without surgery, patients suffering from various medical procedures, including doctors, will lose the chance to become fully fit through genuine treatment. Cancer spreads in the nerves and muscles of the stomach and the anus, causing severe pain.

In the case of rectum or colon  or laparoscopy, it is possible to cure the cancer entirely by not completely removing the stomach and removing the anus. In the previous day, usually a pair of anus and anus was made by making artificial anus on either side of the stomach or left side of the stomach. The stool was stored in the bag and the patient had to clean the bag occasionally. This permanent bag is considered as unacceptable, socially disgusting, unhealthy to many patients, and in that case, the patient tries to avoid permanent bags. Common disorders of the stool or anus that are not as deadly as cancer, such as the symptoms of fisher, piles, etc. and the symptoms of cancer can be similar. After diagnosing the patient's history, physical examination and diagnosis of colonoscopy and biopsy, after staging by the city and MRI, after diagnosing the disease, medical treatment was started.

Early or current operation is the main method of treating bowel and colon cancer. In the modern way, laserskapi or robot operations are carried out completely by removing cancerous gland, where cancer is susceptible to cancer. In more than ninety-five cases, it is possible to completely eliminate cancer by not cutting the stomach and removing the anus. Depending on the need for chemotherapy or / and radiotherapy before or after the operation, depending on whether it is cancer staging. After operation with laparoscopy the anus remains intact, the patient quickly becomes healthy, increases the chances of healing from cancer, and can return to normal activity quickly.

Friday, February 1, 2019

What to do to get rid of air pollution?

What to do to get rid of air pollution?

The amount of oxygen in the air is 21 percent. If any other density of gas or dust is increased due to its deficiency, then it is called a polluted air. Fire extinguishes the oxygen of the environment to a wider range. Dark smoke in vehicles, factories pollute the air. Hydrogen sulfide, ammonia etc. are harmful. Due to pollution, we do not feel comfortable breathing in this city. It often seems that the breath is stuck, it is difficult to breathe.

Let's know what makes it less reducing.
The dust that is constantly flying in the streets, raises the sensitivity of the respiratory system and develops asthma. There are more such patients in the city. To avoid dust, use a mask on the nose and face is slightly protected, but still small particles enter the breathtaking. Those who work in dusty areas, such as road or building workers, they can use a special type of mask. Those who run the bike, they can use this special mask.
Smokers are more at risk of losses. So whether smoking is either directly or indirectly, it must be abandoned.
The chemicals of the factory can gradually destroy the normal pulmonary lungs and make them strong and grainy. It is called fibrosis or ILD. Therefore, there should be adequate security arrangements for factory workers, and demand from all sides.

Decoction vehicles are increasing the air pollution. It's not just about traffic department, I, youand all are also need Its awareness. Serving, repairing your own vehicles will also save your family.

Consume vitamin C-rich fruits and vegetables to stay healthy from the polluted pulmonary disease. The effectiveness of Vitamin C does not last for 24 hours. So take a little bit of lemon, amalki, pineapple, grapefruit, amara, guava, chilli, olive oil, tomatoes, oranges etc. in the day.
বায়ুদূষণ থেকে রক্ষা পেতে কী করবেন?

বায়ুতে অক্সিজেনের পরিমাণ ২১ ভাগ যদি কোনো কারণে এর ঘাটতি হয়ে অন্য গ্যাসের ঘনত্ব বা ধূলিকণার পরিমাণ বেড়ে যায়, তবে তাকে দূষিত বায়ু বলে আগুন পরিবেশের অক্সিজেন নষ্ট করে ব্যাপক মাত্রায় যানবাহন, কলকারখানার কালো ধোঁয়া বাতাসকে দূষিত করে হাইড্রোজেন সালফাইড, অ্যামোনিয়া প্রভৃতি গ্যাসও ক্ষতিকর নানা দূষণের কারণে আমাদের এই শহরে স্বাভাবিক নিশ্বাস নিতেও স্বস্তি হয় না প্রায়ই মনে হয় দম আটকে আসছে, শ্বাস নিতে কষ্ট হচ্ছে

আসুন জেনে নিই কী করলে এটা একটু কমানো যায়রাস্তাঘাটে প্রতিনিয়ত যে ধুলাবালু উড়ছে, তা শ্বাসতন্ত্রের সংবেদনশীলতা বাড়িয়ে হাঁপানির উদ্রেক করে শহরে ধরনের রোগীর সংখ্যা বেশি ধুলা এড়ানোর জন্য নাকে-মুখে মাস্ক ব্যবহার করলে কিছুটা রক্ষা হয়, কিন্তু তারপরও ক্ষুদ্র কণা শ্বাসতন্ত্রে ঢোকে যাঁরা ধূলিময় এলাকায় কাজ করেন, যেমন রাস্তা বা দালানের শ্রমিক, তাঁরা বিশেষ ধরনের মাস্ক ব্যবহার করতে পারেন যাঁরা বাইক চালান, এই বিশেষ মাস্ক ব্যবহার করতে পারেন তাঁরাও
ধূমপায়ীদের মধ্যে ক্ষতির ঝুঁকি বেশি তাই ধূমপান প্রত্যক্ষ বা পরোক্ষ যা- হোক না কেন, অবশ্যই পরিত্যাজ্য
কলকারখানার রাসায়নিক ফুসফুসের স্বাভাবিক কলাকে ধীরে ধীরে নষ্ট করে এবং শক্ত দানাদার করে তুলতে পারে একে বলে ফাইব্রোসিস বা আইএলডি তাই কারখানার শ্রমিক জনগোষ্ঠীর জন্য যথেষ্ট নিরাপত্তার ব্যবস্থা থাকা উচিত, দাবি তুলতে হবে সব পক্ষ থেকে
বিকল যানবাহন বায়ুদূষণ বাড়িয়ে দিচ্ছে বিষয়ে কেবল ট্রাফিক বিভাগের নয়, আমার-আপনার সচেতনতাও প্রয়োজন নিজের যানবাহন সার্ভিসিং করা, সারানো বা ধোঁয়ামুক্ত করলে নিজের পরিবারও রক্ষা পাবে
দূষণজনিত ফুসফুসের রোগ থেকে সুস্থ থাকতে ভিটামিন সি-সমৃদ্ধ ফলমূল শাকসবজি খান ভিটামিন সির কার্যকারিতা ২৪ ঘণ্টার বেশি থাকে না তাই প্রতিদিন একটু হলেও লেবু, আমলকী, আনারস, জাম্বুরা, আমড়া, পেয়ারা, কাঁচা মরিচ, জলপাই, টমেটো, কমলালেবু ইত্যাদি গ্রহণ করুন